Quirky Quantum Weapons

Hypothetical weapons with debatable usefulness that employ the various quirks of quantum physics. The Uncertainty Gun. The more accurately you aim your weapon, the less damage it does to the target. The Observer Gun. Observing a system causes changes to occur, thus, observing your opponent after shooting them will cause them to no longer be…

The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov

John Campbell (editor of Astounding Science Fiction, later called Analog Science Fiction and Fact) once commented that Science Fiction was incompatible with Mystery. In response to this, Asimov wrote The Caves of Steel – A Science Fiction murder mystery which, to this day, is still one of the best tech-noir books I have read. It is set in a distant dystopian…

My New Blog.

Things have changed. Welcome to my new blog. Over the next few weeks I will be reformatting my old posts onto this blog. Thanks for your patience. In the meantime you can still view my posts on my old blog Nebula Books.